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Classic WoW : General Guides (Leveling, Mount, Darkmoon Fair) On this page you will find a list of "unclassifiable" WoW Classic guides, such as General leveling guide 1 … Macros ↑top 1.1. Macros to swap between 2h and 1h/shield (+ignore pain since it’s probably needed if swapping) for Arms, feels a little clunky, but it works.

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Warrior Chubbypengui-area-52 28 July 2019 19:10 #1 Hello, I am looking for some arms pvp macros to reduce the amount of buttons taking up my bar. In BfA, they have immense passive and multi-target damage when able to connect to targets. Macros and Addons provide many quality-of-life improvements in WoW, allowing players to improve how information is displayed in-game or automate decision-making to optimize performance. Brief clip and macros below: #showtooltip /equip SHIELD_NAME /equip 1H_WEAPON_NAME /cast ignore pain #showtooltip … Warrior Talent Builds for Arathi Basin Warriors don't have many options when it comes to talent builds, while you can swap around a few of the talent points in each of the trees you will want to be Arms for most PVP scenarios. First, you’ll have to open the Macros window – either by typing /macro (or simply /m) in the chat or choosing Macros from the Main Menu. Arms specializes in cleaving down two targets at once with Sweeping Strikes and performs great even … Addons are essential for a clean user interface in WoW Classic, and Macros are a great complement, allowing you to do more with less buttons in your interface. Arms Macros In Patch 5.3, Defensive Stance got buffed for non-protection warriors, and it now provides a 25% damage reduction. Make sure to use the slider to make the guide adapt to your level.

Wow best arms warrior addons